Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2018


Hình ảnh
Gmail is a free email service that supports Google-developed advertising. Launched in April 2004, Gmail has become the most popular email service in the world. To get started with Gmail, you need to create a Google Account. A Google Account gives you access to Google services like Gmail, Google+, YouTube, and more. On the web, you have to use a secure connection "https" instead of "http" to access your Gmail Account. On your mobile app or desktop app, you need to generate an App Password to login. Before you sign in to Gmail Make sure that you have created your Google Account before you sign in to Gmail.com. If you don’t remember that whether you have an account already or notand would like to check it out , just enter your email address on the password-assistance page. If there's no Google Account associated with your email address, you'll get a message that says 'No account found with that email address' you entered. How to Sign in to Gm...